Highlight coded text in same colour as coding stripes
Amanda Seims
I'd love to see what text I've already coded in the document which would be easy if it was automatically highlighted but this should be in the same colour as the coding strip down the side. At the moment there seems to be a limited choice of colours so this also needs extending to help with this function.
Yleine Aerts
They should just underline in different colours where possible in the text, this shoudl be a basic featture, if I had know this I would just have done a thematic analysis in word. this is absolutely ridiculous.
You will find this feature in the new NVivo. Highlighted coded text will appear in the same colour as the single coding stripe selected. The yellow highlight colour will appear as per before for other scenarios e.g. where no coding stripe has been selected
Samantha Zeid
VinceQSR: how do I do this? Don't see the feature. Everything on mine is just highlighting yellow regardless of the coding stripe. Thanks in advance for your help!
Michael Polacek
VinceQSR: I don't see an answer to the question. I can see the code color bars on the right, but the text is not highlighted. Please tell me how to do this. The bars on the side are hard to align with the text.
Michael Polacek: VinceQSR I have the newest version and it's the same. Some instructions indicate to go through the View menu to turn this on, but there's no View in the new version... this seems like a basic function... can it be done on the latest version? if so, how?
Javier Otero Peña
VinceQSR: I'd say the feature is not "complete" as stated... we still need an option to show highlighted text with the same colors as the coding stripes EVEN if no coding stripes are selected. Thank you
Sonny Jakobsson
Even if having multiple colors showing different codes would be indecipherable when multiple color codes would overlap - there are solutions, and there are other QACDAS who offer this option.
I think if the "standard" color is the yellow we have now, we should also have the OPTION to choose to see more colors. Just the ability to switch to look for where you have a specific code in the text is available by choosing specific Node coding to show, but allowing you to see all coding - and maybe a "darker marking color" where there is multiple coding, would help. Not to mention, with the limited number of coding colors we have right now, assigning "mixed shades" would not be too troublesome. And in the instances it won't help, people will figure out that for themselves. (Just don't make multiple colors add upp to such dark tones as blackish without the text turning from black to white and becoming invisible).
And choosing to use "Multi-color" with the same color of the stripes for none, one, several or all, seems like a choice you should be able to make - Why else would you otherwise even consider the extra work to assign specific colors to a Node? It makes no sense to have that option, if it means so little, as that you can only see the color in the stripes bar or in the settings. It is such a natural function, that I myself spent hours looking for it as I thought it should exist!
Caroline Jeanson
With the amount of codes I have, I am not sure if the matching colours would help, but definitely, making the presentation of the coding stripes more easy to match to the highlighted coded text would help.
under review
It is ridiculous to me that having the coded text be the same colour as the coding stripes is not a standard or optional function. Once you get a series of codes overlaying a piece of text it's very difficult to discern what relates to what. In some ways coding text with multiple nodes would be easier on paper with highlighters!
Aleksi Lukkarinen
Lee Fallin
This is a difficult one as NVivo uses red/yellow/blue highlights to symbolise see also/coding/annotations - so highlights with coloured meaning also exist. These colours with overlay each other so you can see where overlaps occurs.
When it comes to coding stripes, you could have a piece of text coloured multiple themes with multiple colours. It would be impossible to see how these interact.
I think there may be times when coloured highlighting would work for some situations and users - but this would need to be an option and not a new standard I think.