Convert Nodes to cases
under review
Marian Jones
I would like to be able to convert nodes to cases but can't find an easy way to do it. The reason is I am working with sections of text that are narratives in storied form. I need to do 2 kinds of analysis, the first breaks the stories down into elements based on structural characteristics. Then I will compare each of the six elements of structure across all narratives. The best way I can think of doing this is to code each story as a node, and structural elements as child nodes - hence allowing a GIOIA type approach. The second type of analysis I wish to do, is a content analysis within each story. in this instance I think it better to have a story coded holistically as a case, then create attribute classifications about the narrator and circumstances, and then code the content within the case as nodes to preserve the integrity of the story and the holistic sensemaking process of the narrator. It might be that I need to code each story as both a case and as a node, but conversion allowing a node to be changed to a case would provide more flexibility in how the researcher deals with levels of analysis and integral units of analysis.
under review
Marian Jones Have you tried to copy a node by selecting it in the list and then pasting it into a folder containing cases?
Marian Jones
VinceQSR: Thank you. I've now tried this and it seems to work. It could allow me to construct the Framework matrix. I want to do that because I've categories sections of narrative that constitute a story as a unit of analysis (currently as individually named nodes but will convert to cases). I've then create a vista structure of Labov and Wenger's story structure elements which I have used to cross code each narrative. However, I also want to content analyse each story for what it is about and this is where I think converting to cases would be most useful.
Ben Meehan
All you need do is right click on the story and select "Create As->Create as Cases". Job done. If you have already made the story as nodes, copy and paste them from the nodes folder to the cases folder.
Marian Jones
Ben Meehan: Hi Ben, many thanks for getting back to me and sorry for the long delay in replying. Research has been on a back-burner for a while due to teaching, then dealing with Covid-19. Everyone has had similar challenges I expect. I hope you are well, and safe. I tried write-clicking on a story node but found the "create as case" option to be greyed-out. I will try copying the story nodes to the Case folder later this week and see if I can do it that way, or simply codied each section of storied text as a case. I want to convert to cases as it seems to be the way to prepare data for a framework matrix. I'm using a Windows version of NVIVO.
Thank you. I've now tried this and it seems to work. It could allow me to construct the Framework matrix. I want to do that because I've categories sections of narrative that constitute a story as a unit of analysis (currently as individually named nodes but will convert to cases). I've then create a vista structure of Labov and Wenger's story structure elements which I have used to cross code each narrative. However, I also want to content analyse each story for what it is about and this is where I think converting to cases would be most useful.