I, and I am sure many users, like to configure the NVivo window in different ways depending on my current task. When I'm organizing files I want the detail pane on the bottom, no highlights, no stripes. When I'm coding I want detail on the side, certain highlight settings, and certain stripe settings.
Sometimes when I am coding I want or need to make a quick adjustment to the organization of my data, or nodes, or want to revisit some annotations, but my "coding" setup for the NVivo window isn't great for that task. Currently, I need to manually rejig the NVivo window any time I switch tasks, or deal with the inadequacies of my current configuration.
Ideally users should be able to create multiple, saveable, window configurations, perhaps tied to hotkeys. If I am coding, I can select my Coding configuration from Window in the Menu bar. If I'm reviewing codes, I can select my Reviewing config, if I'm doing a conceptual map, I select my Mapping config, etc.
Several applications have similar systems on macOS. DEVONthink Pro Office and Logic Pro are two examples that could serve as models.